Male Vs Female Debate

A few people have mentioned to me that they have heard that females are a better choice then males. My take on this debate is that I disagree. Are girls a good choice, yes, but in my oppinion boys are just as good of a choice or better. I have spoken with other breeders about how they felt about the male vs female debate, and if they felt one was a better choice then the other. Without the knowing why I was asking they also said no, and we had lengthy conversations about this issue.

I have raised and trained both males and females, and in my experience a boy trained a little faster then a girl. Boys are cheaper to purchase and have neutered as it is a less evasive surgery then spaying a female. Spaying or neutering will lengthen the life of the dog by preventing various illnesses and cancers that all intact (not fixed) dogs are susceptible too during their lifetime. I did lose one of my best breeders to a uterine infection and I was naturally extremely upset and my vet who is very dear to us looked at me and said “this is why you tell your pet owners to spay or neuter their dogs”.

Now I am talking about the breeds that I raise only, other breeds like those bred for hunting, police/drug work, herding, ect are good examples where gender can and does make a difference. Either sex if not fixed within the correct time frame can and will get tendencies that you did not want. Now in the breeds that I raise, it will not effect the temperment and disposition of the puppies, as both genders will be loving and outgoing unless otherwise stated.

I will be more then happy to discuss this in more detail with you, all you need to do is call me. I hope this clears up any misconceptions you may have on the debate of males vs females.

Thank You