Bella Z (Tasha X Jack)

Owned by: Denny & Jean

Hi Melissa,

She just got her Thanksgiving haircut. We adore her and could not love her more. She is the sweetest dog, she still loves everyone, especially kids. Thought you would like to see her now, she is just over 10 months old now and will be going south for the winter. Happy Thanksgiving!

Denny and Jean

Here is Bella after a full haircut. We adore her and could not be happier with her. She is sweet and smart and loves everyone. Thank you so much!!

I had my first spa day, just getting her used to grooming. She is the sweetest dog ever and extremely smart, potty training is going well, and she is catching on. Have not found anything that shakes her up, she loves everybody.

Here she is out for a walk, she has so much personality!! We just love her. Potty training is progressing, will go when we say ” go potty”. Will keep you up on how she is doing.