
Owned by: Kelly & Chris

Hi Melissa,

I’m sorry that it has taken me so long to get these pictures out. We have had such a BALL with our little guy. He’s the light of the house! He recently finished his string of shots and weighs 5.7lbs! He’s healthy as a horse. He has become the hit of the neighborhood. Every time we go for walks EVERYONE comes out to see us, he’s very popular!

Housetraining is going well. He seems to be catching on pretty quickly. We have enrolled in puppy school near our house and he is so SMART! He’s making lots of new friends too. He is a momma’s boy but when Chris is around, he’s a HUGE daddy’s boy!

He’s not much of a morning person, he has a tendency to fall asleep in the bathroom when I am getting ready ????

He loves to watch football with us on Sundays!

Halloween should be fun! All the kids in our neighborhood are going to come by and say hi to him (and trick or treat of course ????

Things are going great! I can’t imagine life without him.

Thank you again for giving us this little bit of joy! He’s wonderful.

I promise that I will continue to send pictures, especially around Christmas!

Take care!!!!